Charoen Pokphand Group

Sustainability Reports 2023

Our Impact by the Numbers

Charoen Pokphand Group is committed to sustainable business operations based on economic, social, and environmental responsibility, by recognizing and giving importance to minimizing impacts from the business operations, products, and services. The Group strives to create sustainable benefits for the country and society through the integration of innovation and technology with the skills and experiences of our human resources.


Living Right


Percentage of Employees with “Code of Conduct” Training

Proportion of Total Female Employees


Cybersecurity Cases

0 Case

Number of People Worldwide Gaining Access to Education and Lifelong Learning through the Group’s Support


(Include Online and Offline)


Living Well

Products for Health and Well-being


Percentage of Products with Clear and Transparent Communication


Research & Development Expenses

million THB

Charoen Pokphand Group places great importance on promoting knowledge and abilities while providing a wide variety of support to the society and communities in order to enhance well-being and reduce social inequality. The Group has enhanced and supported the following groups of people:





Vulnerable Groups



Living Together

Announced the
Carbon Neutral Goal2030
Net Zero Goal 2050

Reduction of Water Withdrawal per Unit of Revenue

Cubic Meters

Reduction of Waste


Number of Suppliers Receiving Capacity Development


Number of Trees Planted for Ecosystem Protection and Restoration


Executive Commitment

Charoen Pokphand Group was still capable of comprehensively adjusting our operational methods and innovating our business to efficiently align with the new normal lifestyle. The Six Core Values are thus the key strategy that empowers the strong and sustainable growth of Charoen Pokphand Group

Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont

Senior Chairman
Charoen Pokphand Group

We adjusted and fortified our business toward sustainability by cultivating our new-generation good and talented leaders along with employing innovation and advanced technology to solve business issue, finding new opportunity in crisis and further developing our organization.

Mr. Soopakij Chearavanont

Charoen Pokphand Group

We must deliberate as we define sustainability goals to engage with the global effort to find solutions and reduce impacts on the economy, society and environment, a task that must be carried out by every country and everyone.

Mr. Suphachai Chearavanont

Chief Executive Officer
Charoen Pokphand Group

Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Charoen Pokphand Group has been adopting and integrating the 17 Goals of SDGs into our value chain and strategies. It not only promotes positive impacts on the global community but also helps to ensure that the Group’s activities and operations are in accordance with established strategies. It also contributes to the comprehensive identification of risks and the formulation of effective loss prevention guidelines.

The Group has prioritized the SDGs and targets by assessing their connection to the Group’s context. The prioritization criteria include:

  • Charoen Pokphand Group’s activities along the value chain
  • Charoen Pokphand Group’s strategies and plans
  • Charoen Pokphand Group’s 2030 Sustainability Goals

Strategically Important Goals

Important Goals