Awareness Building and Embedding Culture
In order to sustainably align our operations with corporate governance principles and ethical standards, Charoen Pokphand Group places great emphasis on building awareness and embedding corporate culture of ethics and compliance. In this respect, various types of activities have been organized to reach out and create engagement with employees across the Group.

Participation of Top Management
Executives at all levels render their support, participate and act as good role models by taking part in activities to cultivate a corporate culture of governance by sharing visions, opinions and best practices in order to show employees that the management gives priority to operating in accordance with corporate governance principles. This will help to create participation in promoting corporate governance throughout the organization.

Learning and Development
The Group organizes learning and development activities using a classroom format to share new knowledge to executives and employees. In addition, technology is also applied to support learning that can be easily accessed from anywhere, such as online training, micro e-learning, and learning through mobile application, etc.

The Group prepares public relations materials to provide knowledge and encourage activities relating to corporate governance. We also launched “CG Voices” which is an electronic magazine on corporate governance to widely inform employees on news and latest trends relating to corporate governance. The magazine is published in Thai, English and Chinese.
CG Voices