WBCSD ranks Charoen Pokphand Group’s Sustainability Report 2021 in top 10 performers for ESG completeness of Economic-Social-Governance dimensions, emphasized the leadership in sustainability

26 October 2022

20 October 2022, World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD), organization that supports the world’s leading sustainable businesses, has launched the Reporting Matters 2022 which analyze the sustainability reports of member companies from 154 companies globally and summarize overall performance. The reporting matter has been launched since 2013 and this year is 10th edition of reporting matter, that is also the 10th anniversary.

Charoen Pokphand Group’s Sustainability Report 2021 is ranked in the Top 10 performer together with other global leading companies. WBCSD recognize our Sustainability Report 2021 for the good practice in a completeness by setting the scope and boundaries of the sustainability report mapped across the three dimensions; Economic Social and Environmental, and explains the standards the report is prepared in accordance within the Reporting Boundaries section. A detailed value creation model describes the six capital inputs of the international (IR) framework in quantitative terms. These are mapped against the outcomes and benefits per capital. Upstream impacts, such as raw material extraction and water withdrawal, and downstream impacts, such as food security and access to nutrition, are discussed throughout the report. This is fundamental for sustainability report. Previously, Charoen Pokphand’s Sustainability Report 2017 has also recognized by WBCSD for the good practice in stakeholder engagement.

Mr. Somjettana Pasakanon, Director, Sustainability Development, Sustainability, Good Governance and Corporate Communication Office said “Charoen Pokphand Group has launched the sustainability report every year since 2016. The Sustainability Report 2021 is our 6th edition which mainly focus on the strategies, management, sustainable goals and progress, and next step toward the three dimensions of sustainability development; economic, social, and environment. This is significantly important for our stakeholders throughout value chain. The content of sustainability report also represents our operation supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.

Reporting on our sustainability performance was from the needs of the investors, consumers, and stakeholders for ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) performance. This information is the key factor for business decision making and widely accepted that it could gain the business advantage. Sustainability report is the key strategy to communicate the sustainability performance in all sustainability dimensions to the stakeholders and a tool for the Board of Directors and Management to ensure that the sustainability development is implemented, effectively managed, and internal process is developed for instance risk identification, stakeholder engagement etc.

Mr. Somjettana also mentioned that sustainability reporting can create company values and help us to understand the journey to sustainability. It also supports the company to develop internal system for sustainable development for instance benchmarking with leading companies will create understanding to employee on how sustainability development in the business context will look like and to integrated into the operation.

In addition, data collection for sustainability report points out the opportunities for improvement including policy deployment, strategic development, planning, system development and quality control, and integrate ESG into financial performance.

Charoen Pokphand Group Sustainability Reports 2021 can be downloaded from the link;

Sustainability Reports 2021 | Charoen Pokphand Group (cpgroupglobal.com)

Charoen Pokphand Group Additional Topic-Specific Reports:

Additional Topic-Specific Reports | Charoen Pokphand Group (cpgroupglobal.com)

and WBCSD Reporting Matters 2022 (Full report)
