C.P. Group launches second annual corporate Human Rights Report on Human Rights Day

Charoen Pokphand Group publishes its second annual Human Rights Report, developed based on the United Nations Guiding Principles Reporting Framework (UNGPRF). The report is officially released on December 10th, the Human Rights Day. By publishing the report, the Group seeks to emphasize transparency in its business operations and respect for human rights within the Group’s businesses and throughout its value chain.
Mr. Suphachai Chearavanont, Chief Executive Officer of C.P. Group, states that Charoen Pokphand Group is committed to conducting business ethically and with respect to human rights. This Human Rights Report presents the Group’s commitments and goals in line with the 3 Benefits Principle of putting the needs of the country and the people ahead of the Group’s business interests.
“Today, Charoen Pokphand Group employs more than 450,000 people across 21 countries and economies. As the Group continues to grow, it becomes ever more important that the protection and promotion of human rights is embedded within corporate culture, so as to ensure that employees at all levels of our business recognize and mitigate human rights risks which exist within our value chain. This year’s human rights report is our second, representing our continued dedication to enhancing and developing our ability to manage human rights issues within our operations and value chain, as well as our efforts to work with our peers and other stakeholders to enact local and even global transformations,” said Mr. Suphachai.
Furthermore, Charoen Pokphand Group has reviewed and updated existing and announced new policies regarding human rights issues, such as: Human Rights and Labor Practices; Migrant Workers Recruitment; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Discrimination and Harassment Prevention; Personal Data Protection; and more.
In addition, the report explains the measures the Group has taken against the increased risks of cyber threats, including both digital and physical security. To protect against these risks and complex digital threats, the Group established the Cybersecurity Center of Excellence to act as the center of digital security operations. This allows for a more comprehensive management of risks and threats, while also developing and disseminating best practices for all the Group’s subsidiary businesses and supply chain.
The report also emphasizes the importance of working with stakeholders to address global issues and drive respect for human rights within local communities, groups, and all stakeholders throughout the supply chain. By listening to diverse ideas and voices, the Group is able to promote human rights in more effective ways, driving change in cooperation with both local and international stakeholders.
The Group reports all its efforts, clearly and transparently, in this year’s Human Rights Report. This reinforces the Group’s commitment to respecting human rights in the move towards sustainable and stable growth for society, communities, and all stakeholders.