Bellisio Foods, Health Center
Bellisio Foods
Jackson, Ohio has a population of about 6.29K individuals. Meaning that Bellisio Foods employs nearly 20% of the population of Jackson. It’s also important to know that the median income per household is nearly $38,000 a year. The lack of wealth distribution, resources, and access has created a “Health Desert” in Southeast Ohio. There is a great need for the residents of Jackson to have access to quality healthcare in an environment that is safe and affordable. The Bellisio Foods Health Center provides free healthcare services to all Bellisio employees in Jackson & surrounding cities.
The Bellisio Health Center also possesses a pharmacy for employees to buy affordable medications. This physician/pharmacy model in the same building, on the Bellisio Campus, helps the organization to build relationships with Bellisio employees. The Health Center staff builds a positive rapport with the plant employees, making them more likely to request information on a more health-conscious lifestyle or how to manage chronic health issues.
Bellisio Foods has offset medical and insurance costs and accumulate a savings of $600,000