Goal and Performance

A solid corporate governance foundation can help Charoen Pokphand Group realize our business strategy and commitment to creating long-term value for the country where we operate, the people, and our workers. As a result, the Group required all business units to carefully adhere to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations and the Group's standards.

All businesses receive corporate governance assessment

Supporting the SDGs

Charoen Pokphand Group's corporate governance actions support the achievement of two Sustainable Development Goals

More Details on Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023

Stakeholders Directly Impacted

Charoen Pokphand Group performs stakeholder assessment and prioritization process on an annual basis to evaluate impacts we have on them and how can they influence our strategies and actions over time. In 2022, the evaluation results showed that our works in corporate governance directly create impacts on all 11 stakeholder groups.

More Details on Stakeholder Engagement Report 2023

Our Impact by the Numbers

C.P. Group is honored as “World’s Most Ethical Companies®” by Ethisphere for the


consecutive year.


of executives and employees received training on Codes of Conduct.


of executives and employees participated in corporate risk management training.


of business groups have been audited for transparency and fairness.

  • Anti-Money Laundering Policy and Guidelines
  • Whistleblowing Policy and Guidelines
  • Personal Data Protection Policy and Guidelines

Governance Management Approach

Charoen Pokphand Group upholds the principles of corporate governance in conducting our business. We also treat all stakeholders equally. Throughout the past century, the Group has operated with transparency through the corporate governance principles which have been seamlessly merged into our business operations.

The Board of Directors governs the Group in accordance with the principles of corporate governance to ensure respect of stakeholder rights as well as control and manage risks to achieve maximum business efficiency. These endeavors contribute to adding value and creating sustainable growth for the country, the society, and Charoen Pokphand Group.

Charoen Pokphand Group has defined a work process to tangibly drive corporate governance operations, such as collaborating with representatives from affiliated companies to ensure a common operational approach and compliance with Group policies and guidelines. The Group’s corporate governance mechanisms consist of corporate governance structure development, work process creation, communication and engagement, monitoring and reporting, and disclosure.

Executives’ Accountabilities towards Sustainable Development

Charoen Pokphand Group’s Board of Directors approved the establishment of the Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by Mr. Suphachai Chearavanont, the Chief Executive Officer of C.P. Group. In addition, in 2023, Dr. Teerapon Tanomsakyut was appointed Chief Sustainability and Strategic Development Officer to assist in management and oversee the implementation of sustainability policies and actions at the group-wide level. The roles and responsibilities of the Sustainability Committee included supervising and formulating policies and sustainability goals to create maximum benefit for stakeholders, determining sustainability strategies and guidelines, driving sustainability implementation, and managing and monitoring sustainability performances across the Group.

To ensure that Sustainability Frameworks and Goals are being systematically executed across the Group, the implementation of all 15 goals of Charoen Pokphand Group’s 2030 Sustainability Frameworks and Goals has been incorporated as one of the indicators for the performance evaluation of executives according to their scope of responsibility. The result of the evaluation will be reflected in their annual remunerations. The executive board reviews the performance of executives, then the Board of Directors, respectively, to ensure transparency and the evaluation and remuneration process. This approval hierarchy is similar to the reporting line of other sustainability activities. For more information on Sustainability Structure, please visit Sustainability Governance

Sustainability Frameworks and Goals Accountability
Group CEO CSO Director of Sustainable Development Executives / BU Managers Employees
Corporate Governance
Human Rights and Labor Practices
Education and Inequality Reduction
Leadership and Human Capital Development
Cybersecurity and Data Protection
Health and Well-being
Social Impact and Economic Contribution
Food Security and Access to Nutrition
Stakeholder Engagement
Climate Resilience
Circular Economy
Water Stewardship
Ecosystem and Biodiversity Protection
Responsible Supply Chain Management
Full Responsibility
Designated Responsibility

Risk Management

Charoen Pokphand Group commits to enhancing risk management efficiency by adopting the Integrated Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (Integrated GRC) approach. Furthermore, the Group has also developed a corporate risk management system based on the international standards of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) to ensure the Group’s improvement and resilience in managing risks in response to the needs of the changing business environment.

Risk Management Culture

To enable Charoen Pokphand Group’s stable and sustainable growth amidst business uncertainties, the Group places importance in reinforcing a risk management culture across the organization by establishing and implementing risk management policies and guidelines throughout the Group, reviewing risk management structure to define roles and responsibilities more clearly, communicating and offering trainings related to risks, and sharing knowledge in risk management. Additionally, C.P. Group has a robust internal audit process to ensure the strict implementation of its risk management program. This internal audit process regularly reviews and monitors compliance with established risk management policies, identifies areas for improvement, and ensures that corrective actions are taken promptly to mitigate any potential risks.

The Charoen Pokphand Group aims to ensure that all levels of employees are attentive to their daily tasks and are aware of the Group's risk management rules. The Group has thus incorporated risk management issues as one of the criteria for employee performance evaluations.

Risk Training

Charoen Pokphand Group regularly organizes risk training courses for executives and workers to instill precise understanding and application, hence preventing noncompliance with applicable government and Group laws, rules, and regulations.

  1. Risk Control Effectiveness Course: The course was designed for executives and department that are responsible for the risk management of business groups. It was aimed to create executive and employees’ understanding of risk control measures and be able to apply the guidelines and methods to monitor, measure, and assess the risk management measures of the business.
  2. Risk Management Framework and Enterprise Risk Assessment: The course was designed for various departments to create awareness of risk management and understanding of roles and responsibilities in governing enterprise risk management. The training program includes Risk Control Efficiency, organized for executives and departments in charge of business group risk management to create an understanding about risk control measures for executives and employees.

Analysis of Emerging Risks

Charoen Pokphand Group recognizes the importance of effective enterprise risk management as the foundation for sustainable operations. The Group has adopted a comprehensive risk analysis approach, considering various perspectives, including issues related to all Group businesses, suppliers, and stakeholder groups. Additionally, impacts are analyzed over different time periods to assess the potential risk levels and to determine appropriate mitigation measures.


Charoen Pokphand Group has defined operational and behavioral guidelines in the Charoen Pokphand Group Code of Conduct which has been submitted to directors, executives, and employees at all levels for their acknowledgement, understanding, and adherence as guidelines in performing their duties.

Code of Conduct

The process to Identify Risk from Non-compliance

Compliance Risk Profiling: The assessment of both the likelihood and severity of non-compliance. The assessment is carried out at least once a year, or when significant changes occur, in order to prioritize compliance and determine appropriate control measures.

Compliance Training

The appropriate type of communication is selected based on the target audience, content, and objectives according to the established communication and training plan. Additionally, consulting channels are provided for clarification of any queries. The issues in question will be used to further improve communications.

Employee Engagement in Compliance Development The Group has used the survey results of employees’ acknowledgment of corporate governance and compliance to develop operational processes as well as training and communications. The Group used the survey results to plan for the improvement of employee acknowledgment, as follows:

  • Awareness Development in compliance operations
  • Awareness Development in whistleblowing and complaints
  • Awareness Development in Accessing the Code of Conduct, policies, guidelines, and regulations.

Complaints and Whistleblowing

Charoen Pokphand Group has established the Whistleblowing Policy and Guidelines to accept opinions, recommendations, and complaints from both internal and external parties who have been affected or are likely to be affected by the Group’s business operations. Furthermore, to demonstrate clear, honest, and transparent practices, the Group has determined guidelines that are consistent with international standards regarding the roles and responsibilities of concerned parties, whistleblower/complainant protection measures, investigation process, and penalties. Moreover, the Group also integrates the guidelines stated in the Code of Conduct, other relevant policies and guidelines, as well as those set forth in the applicable laws, rules and regulations into employee performance evaluation criteria. The result of the compliance is not only linked to employees' annual remuneration but also career promotion opportunities.

Number of Complaints Relating to Employee Misconduct and Management Measures in 2023

2023 Management Measure
No. of Cases Under Investigation Completed Verbal Warning Written Warning Suspension Dismissal
Complaints Related to Ethics and Morality (case)
Fraud 2 - 2 - - 1 1
Conflict of interest 2 - 2 - 1 - 1
Non-compliance 5 - 5 5 - - -
Discrimination 3 - 3 3 - - -
Harassment 3 - 3 2 - - 1
Corruption 1 - 1 - 1 - -
Insider Trading - - - - - - -
Anti-competitive Behavior - - - - - - -
Complaints Related to Anti-Competitive Behaviors (case)
Violation of Customer Personal Data - - - - - - -
Total (Case) 16 0 16 10 2 1 3

Remark: The number of complaints shown in the table are the numbers received through Charoen Pokphand Group’s website: https://grc.cpgroupsustainability.com

Details on violation of the Code of Conduct and ethics