C.P. Group 2030 Sustainability Framework and Goals
Charoen Pokphand Group has set sustainability strategies and goals towards 2030 that cover all three dimensions of sustainability, namely economy, society, and environment. They serve as the operational guidelines of the Group and our subsidiaries which have been implemented to contribute beneficial results to both the organization and our stakeholders.
Living Right
Corporate Governance
Human Rights and Labor Practices
Education and Inequality Reduction
Leadership and Human Capital Development
Cyber Security and Data Protection
For 2023, the 15 sustainability goals have been retained, three of which have been adopted as strategies and main goals
Charoen Pokphand Group monitors the progress of all 15 goals on a continuous basis. The result of 2023’s progress showed that the majority of the goals were on track. However, the progress of Climate Resilience and Circular Economy were under development, and slightly behind target, respectively.